Ambrotose AO
More than ever our bodies need protection from all the nasties in our environment, like free radicals, that can really take their toll on our health. Free radicals in the air are the result of various factors such as pollution, radiation, stress and herbicides and have the potential to lower our immune systems.
The best offense is a good defence, and we may need all the nutritional help we can get to bolster our body and support the immune system in order to keep our bodies healthy.
Introducing Mannatech’s Super Hero Product… Ambrotose AO®, fighting free radicals with its antioxidant super power!
Ambrotose AO® contains a powerful, advanced formula that offers over 2½ times more antioxidant protection than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables1. In fact, just 2 capsules daily are clinically proven to increase protection from oxidative stress by 37.4%2!
In addition to being loaded with antioxidants Ambrotose AO® contains a scientifically proven and standardized blend of plant sourced glyconutrients that enhance cellular communication and aid your body in maintaining optimum health. Pretty amazing right?!
Let’s take a look at the key benefits:
- Ambrotose AO® capsules can scavenge both fat and water soluble free radicals
- Provides real protection from the harmful effects of poor diet and environmental factors.
- Protects cells against oxidative stress
- Supports normal immune function
What’s even better is our super hero is Australian! Ambrotose AO® is manufactured in Australia and is gluten free and vegan friendly. In addition to a balanced diet it can really help fortify your body leading into Autumn and beyond. Another hero of ours, Steve Nugent had great things to say about Ambrotose AO® in a product review. Click here to check it out!
Mannatech wants you to get as much support to fight off those pesky free radicals so we currently have an Autumn giveaway for BP4 and BP5 so you can get Ambrotose AO® fighting on your side for FREE! For details on how you can benefit from this giveaway click here.
1 Sourced from the Mannatech Resource Library, Ambrotose AO Product Information Sheet
2 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2010) 10:1186/7472-6882-10-16
Poor AO doesn’t get a super hero face! It’s so powerful for the brain and based on the wild bush plum from a rugged Australian island. Surely you can make a special superhero character out of that combination. Take six AOs and have a think.