Important Updates
Last modified: 1st March, 2024
Dear Associate
We will keep this page updated with new information and changes. Please refer back to this article for any corporate updates.
Important Update- 1st March ,2024
Save Big!
From today, new Associates in Australia, New Zealand & Singapore can now SAVE $29 when opening an associate account with Mannatech including upgrades from preferred Customers to Associates, and current Associates can SAVE $34 on renewing their accounts during the months of March, April and May.
With this lowered fee, you have a greater opportunity to welcome new associates into your team, expand your network and inspire those already in our community to continue supporting their entrepreneurial dreams.

*$40 Joining fee also applies when a preferred customer upgrades to an Associate.
What benefits await your new associates?
• Up to 20% discount from Retail Price.
• Never run out of your favourite products with a monthly subscription.
• Be rewarded for your loyalty with Mannatech’s 20% Loyalty program.
• 90 Day money back guarantee.
• Create a flexible, global business on your schedule, your terms, from anywhere.
• Personal referral link, digital tools & resources.
• Earn income from referrals & more.
• Earn incentives including cash & travel.
• Recognition & rewards for your accomplishments.
• Training, support & expert advice.
• Excellent Customer Support.
And remember that all purchases of the Mannatech products impacts the lives of malnourished children globally through our Mission 5 Million program.
Product Update- 26th February ,2024
Dear Valued Customers and Associates,
Due to declining sales in both the GlycoCafé and Manna-C Products, Mannatech has made the difficult decision to discontinue both products.
We understand that many of you have enjoyed these products, and we want to express our gratitude for your loyalty and that we share your disappointment in the discontinuation of both GlycoCafé and
As we farewell to these products, we are offering a clearance sale on remaining stock while it lasts in a buy 2 get one FREE + Mannatech merchandise for you to enjoy them in.
Please be sure to download our flyer here.
Once GlycoCafé and Manna-C sell out they will no longer be available for purchase and no refunds are available.
- Manna-C special (Expiry date end of April 2024)
- GlycoCafé special (Expiry date 12th May 2024)
Please note that these specials are not applicable if you order two individual products separately. Instead, you must select the “Short Shelf Life” promotions to receive your complimentary product and merchandise.
We encourage you to take a look at some suggested alternatives that suit your supplement needs and we have compiled a list of other Mannatech products that provide similar benefits here.
What do you need to do?
If you currently have GlycoCafé and/or Manna-C on your automatic order, be sure to remove them or contact the Customer Service team for their assistance in removing this from your automatic order by the end of March or once your automatic order has generated during this month.
We thank you in advance for your understanding and your continuing loyalty to Mannatech.
For any further questions, please contact the Customer Service Team on:
Australia – 1300 361 878
New Zealand – 0800 333 250
Singapore- 800 492 2749
Product Update- 19th January ,2024
Gi-ProBalance is BACK!
New and Improved GI-ProBalance helps restore beneficial gut flora and nourishes friendly intestinal flora with the same great tasting yoghurt-flavoured powder.
GiProBalance now has 35 billion MORE CFU total input of probiotics at the time of manufacture, increased strains of probiotics, and added glyconutrient ingredients in every slim stick!
Stay Tuned, your resources are coming next week!
Product Update- 12th January ,2024
Dear Valued Customers & Associates,
Due to declining sales in both the TruSHAPE and Empact+ Products, Mannatech has made the difficult decision to discontinue both products with immediate effect.
These are now on backorder.
We sincerely apologise that we were unable to provide advanced warning of these product discontinuations. This was due to circumstances beyond our control.
With the discontinuation of these products, the below bundles will also be affected as follows:
Sport Value bundle
- This will be discontinued & removed from the website. This bundle contains both Sport & Empact+.
TruHealth Transformation Bundle and the TruHealth Maintenance Bundle
- Both bundles will remain on the website and in your automatic order, they will simply ship without TruSHAPE. The PV will remain unaffected and you will not be charged for TruSHAPE.
- The remaining products in the TruHealth System will continue to be available for individual purchase whilst the bundles are being reviewed moving forward.
What do you need to do?
If you currently have these products on your automatic order, please be sure to remove them or contact the Customer Service team for their assistance in removing this from your automatic order.
Your Customer Service Team can be contacted on:
Australia – 1300361878
New Zealand – 0800333250
Singapore – 8001301597
We understand that many of you have enjoyed these products and will be disappointed by their discontinuation, so we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your loyalty and that we share your disappointment.
Whilst both products performed unique functions, you may like to consider a couple of alternative suggestions to replace Empact+ to aid in the support of energy production and post work out support. You will find these options here.
Once the TruHealth bundles have been reviewed & updated, we will share this information with you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continuing loyalty to Mannatech.
Product Update- 8th December,2023
Luminovation Launch
Deep Purifying Cleanser (25802)

First Essential Toner (27102)

Luminous Essence Lotion (27202)

Youth Intensive Care Cream (27302)

Skin Returning Care Program (28402)

Luminovation K-Beauty System Bundle (60602)

Luminovation Instructions Card
Luminovation System Ingredients
Christmas timetable updates– 24th November, 2023
Holiday Shipping Schedule – Automatic Order Generation Dates
During the Holiday period, there will be limited shipping days. Should you need to change your AO date, please do so 5 days prior to the generation date.
- All Automatic Orders with a generation date of 19th – 25th Dec 2023, will ship on 19th Dec 2023.
- All Automatic Orders with a generation date of 26th – 29th Dec 2023, will ship on 21st Dec 2023.
- All Automatic Orders with a generation date of 30th and 31st Dec 2023, will ship on 27th Dec 2023.
- All Automatic Orders with a generation date of 1st Jan 2024, will ship on 2nd Jan 2024.
- No orders will be shipped on 28th Dec 2023 to 1st Jan 2024, due to stock take and the Public Holiday.
Some carriers may experience higher shipping volumes during the holiday period, so please allow up to 3-4 extra days for your delivery to arrive.
Shipping Holiday timetable – Order shipment Dates
We have listed below the last date to ship orders if you need parcels to arrive before Christmas. Some carriers may experience higher shipping volumes during the holiday period, so please allow up to 3-4 extra days for your delivery to arrive.
Northern Territory- Friday, 8th December 2023
Western Australia –Tuesday, 12th December 2023
QLD Country- Wednesday, 13th December 2023
Tasmania- Tuesday, 12th December 2023
South Australia- Friday, 15th December 2023
Ex Sydney to NZ– Monday, 11th December 2023
NSW Country- Monday, 18th December 2023
Victoria Country– Monday, 18th December 2023
Gold Coast- Monday, 18th December 2023
NSW & ACT Metro- Tuesday, 19th December 2023
Victoria Metro- Tuesday, 19th December 2023
QLD Metro- Tuesday, 19th December 2023
Office opening hours
Wednesday 13th December 2023- 9am-11:30 am
Thursday 21st December 2023- Normal Hours
Friday 22nd December 2023 – 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Monday 25th December 2023 – Closed
Tuesday 26th December 2023 – Closed
Wednesday 27th December 2023 – 10:00 am – 3:30 pm
Thursday 28th December 2023 – 10:00 am – 3:30 pm
Friday 29th December 2023 – 10:00 am – 3:30 pm
Monday 1st January 2024 – Closed
Tuesday 2nd January 2024 – Normal Hours
PLEASE NOTE: From Wednesday 27th December – Friday 29th December, the Customer Service Desk will be running on skeleton staff and may expect longer than usually waiting times. We thank you for your patience during this period.
Important Update– 2nd November 2023
New Associates save $68!
Time to review your prospects and go back to your follow-up list.
New Associates in Australia, New Zealand & Singapore can now SAVE $68 when enrolling during the month of November. With a spend of $150 or more (AUD/SGD/NZD), your new Associate can enrol for just $1.
Help your prospects become part of a community that not only values their well-being, but also supports their entrepreneurial dreams.
What’s in it for your New Associates?
Just as you did, your new Associates will discover a world of benefits that provide:
- Unparalleled products
- Low start-up costs
- Industry leading Compensation Plan
- Global model that lets you build an international Business
- Ability to work from anywhere
- No inventory to purchase or store
- A supportive community
- Extra money to pay those increasing bills
- The ability to change lives through the Mission 5 Million (M5M) movement.
With a Luminovation Launch & Holiday Promotions just around the corner, now is the time to take advantage of this promotion while you can.
The Mannatech Story
$1 Sign Up Promotion Flyer
The Compensation Plan
Important Product Update– 17th October 2023
Dear Valued Customers & Associates,
As we shared with you recently, due to the recent increase in production costs, and declining sales in the ImmunoSTART Product, Mannatech made the difficult decision to discontinue this product, effective November, 2023.
We farewelled this product with a Buy One Get Two FREE clearance sale on remaining stock while it lasted. This stock has now sold out so the promotion and product is no longer available.
We understand that many of you have enjoyed this product, and we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your loyalty.
We would encourage you take a look at some suggested alternatives to suit your supplement needs and have compiled a list of those that provide similar benefits. You can download this here.
What do you need to do?
If you currently have this product on your automatic order, be sure to remove this or contact the Customer Service team for their assistance in removing this from your automatic order before the end of October.
Thank you for your continuing loyalty to Mannatech.
For any further questions, please contact the Customer Service Team on:
Australia – 1300 361 878
New Zealand – 0800 333 250
Singapore – 800 130 1597
Operations Update- 6th October 2023
Understanding the reasons for Orders in Exception is important so that you know what to look out for and how to avoid it and keep your Customers happy.
An Order in Exception means that your order has generated, however, has not been sent form the warehouse due to payment issues. This may occur for several reasons:
- Credit card has been declined due to lack of funds: Always make sure your account has sufficient funds when orders are processed.
- Change of expiry date for credit card: If you receive a new credit card with an updated expiry date, remember to update your payment information.
- Communication issues between banks: Occasionally, there might be communication problems between banks, which can lead to order exceptions.
As you near your automatic order date, take some time to consider:
- Does your AO generation date coincide with a Public Holiday. If this is the case, occasionally orders may be processed a few days before to account for this so be sure to have sufficient funds on your card.
- Is your AO generation date at the end of the month or early in the month as again, this could mean that your order generates earlier. For example: in the event that the 1st of a month falls on a Monday, the warehouse may ship/bill the order out on the previous Thursday/Friday to expedite the process. If there are insufficient funds, your order may go into exception.
- If you need to make changes to your order, plan ahead and do it well before your AO is due to generate.
- If you place orders for your Customers or downline, choose a date that works best for you to identify what products you/your Customers want so that you can avoid your order going into exception.
- Has there or does there need to be a change in address? If so, be sure to do this 3-5 days before your next order is due to generate.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.Australia – 1300 361 878
New Zealand – 0800 333 250
Singapore – 800 130 1597
Important Update- 29th September 2023
Did you know that a ‘change of address’ for an automatic order can take between 3-5 days to be processed?
If you need to update your address ahead of your next automatic order, please be sure to do so 3-5 days before your order is due to generate to ensure your delivery goes to the correct new address.
Not aware of this fact? Your Customers & team may not be either so why not take the time now to share this with them.
If you need more information, contact your Customer Service team for additional support:
Australia – 1300 361 878
New Zealand – 0800 333 250
Singapore – 800 130 1597
Important Product Update- 27th September 2023
Dear Valued Customers & Associates,
We wanted to take a moment to update you on an important change within our product lineup.
Due to the recent increase in production costs, and declining sales in the ImmunoSTART Product, we regret to inform you that Mannatech has had to make the difficult decision to discontinue this product, effective November, 2023.
We understand that many of you have enjoyed this product, and we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your loyalty, and that we share your disappointment in the discontinuation of ImmunoSTART.
In light of this change and as we remain committed to providing you with amazing products to suit your supplement needs, we have compiled a list of alternative products that provide similar benefits and can be downloaded here.
What do you need to do?
If you currently have this product on your automatic order, be sure to remove this or contact the Customer Service team for their assistance in removing this from your automatic order by the end of October.
As we farewell this product, we will be running a clearance sale on remaining stock while it lasts. Please be sure to download your flyer and read the conditions that apply as this product has a short expiry. Purchase here.
We thank you in advance for your understanding of this difficult decision & your continuing loyalty to Mannatech.
For any further questions, please contact the Customer Service Team on:
Australia – 1300 361 878
New Zealand – 0800 333 250
Singapore – 800 130 1597
Operations Update- 13 September 2023
As of today, the New Zealand Payment issue has been resolved & all orders have been released.
If you experience any issues, or have any other concerns, please contact the Customer Service team on:
Phone: 0800 333 250
Email: custserv@mannatech.com.au
Operations Update- 6th September 2023
Dear Valued Customers & Associates,
We are writing today to advise of an issue we are currently experiencing with payment processing for our New Zealand market.
This has affected all new orders placed since 1st September and means:
- Your order will show as Payment/Credit Card declined. However, please know that this is an issue at our end and not an issue with your card or card issuer.
- Your order is currently on hold and will be released as soon as the issue is resolved.
- New orders can still be placed, however, payment will show as declined and your order will be on hold until the issue is resolved.
Mannatech’s IT team in the US Head Office are currently working on rectifying the issue and we anticipate this being resolved in the next 24 – 48 hours.
We greatly appreciate your patience with us as we work through this, and we will provide an update on this issue as soon as we can.
Operations Update- 27 July 2023
As you are aware, inflation continues to dramatically impact the economy on a global scale through increases in labour, energy, materials, ingredients and transport costs.
This poses difficult challenges for most companies, Mannatech included.
Over the past 3 years, the Mannatech Executive Team have adapted to these challenges and managed these higher costs, however, in order to continue to preserve the integrity and the quality of Mannatech products, have now had to make some difficult decisions.
We have worked hard with our manufacturing partners on materials and ingredients we source from all over the world to make our products and in order to cover the increase in costs, we will need to implement price adjustments for 2023.
With the US and Europe having implemented these adjustments earlier in the year, it is now Australasia’s turn and this will be completed in two phases.
Phase 1
Price adjustments come into effect in Australia from 1st August.
Phase 2
Price adjustments come into effect in both New Zealand and Singapore in September. This date will be announced shortly.
The price adjustments will see an average increase of 6%. For some products this will be less and for others it will be more. Your updated price list can be downloaded via the link for further details. 74990013007063.pdf (mannatech.com)
Please know that Mannatech remains committed to offering you the best products made with the highest quality ingredients, so this decision was not made lightly.
Should you have any questions, please contact the Customer Service Team on:
Australia: 1300 361 878
New Zealand: 1300 333 250
Singapore: 800 130 1597
Email: Custserv@Mannatech.com.au
Alternatively, you may wish to contact the Australasian Management team on australasianmanagementteam@mannatech.com.au.
We appreciate your loyalty and thank you for your continued support.Your Mannatech Australasia Team
Operations Update- 14 July 2023
We recently announced an important update to our invoicing process and as of last Friday 7th July, we made the transition to paperless.
This means that you are no longer receiving a physical invoice with your delivery and instead, it is delivered to you electronically, directly to your registered email address.
This is exciting news as we are now:
- Reducing paper usage and waste. No more extra paper to file or dispose of.
- Working more sustainably.
- Improving efficiencies with both the billing system & warehouse processing.
- Providing convenient access to your invoice any time you need to and, it can be stored electronically.
If you haven’t already, we would encourage you to take a moment to make sure your email address is up to date so that you never miss an invoice.
This can be done online, or, you can contact the Customer Service team for assistance on:
Australia: 1300 361 878
New Zealand: 1300 333 250
Singapore: 800 130 1597
Email: Custserv@Mannatech.com.au Thank you for joining us on this journey towards sustainability.
We appreciate your continued partnership and look forward to serving you better through our paperless invoicing system.
Operations Update- 2nd May 2023
Associate Registration & Renewal Fee Update
As of 1st January 2023, there has been two key changes to Mannatech Associate registrations both as a New Associate and as an existing Associate renewing your annual registration
Associate Registration Renewal Fee
For Associates renewing your annual registration, this fee has been updated to AUD, SGD & NZD $69.00 per year. Additionally, it will no longer include Loyalty Points when renewing your registration.
However, we have added more value for Associates by providing access to more powerful digital tools to help grow your influence and manage your business.
For starters, we have introduced the comprehensive business management and business building tool ‘Penny App’ which is designed to help you manage and grow your existing Customer and Associate base. With every annual renewal, this personalised and supportive app will continue to be available to you at no added cost. Your fee will also continue to include Basic Success Tracker and a Personal Mannatech Website.
By renewing your registration, you will retain all rights and privileges as an Associate, including your eligibility to continue earning commissions as well as earning up to 20% Loyalty Rewards on your purchases of Mannatech products.
You can renew as a Mannatech Associate online at mannatech.com.au at any time, or, contact the Customer Service Team for their support on:
Australia – 1300 361 878
New Zealand – 1300 333 250
Singapore – 800 130 1597
As your renewal anniversary approaches, you will receive a special email reminder and an FAQ sheet will be provided on this update shortly.
New Associate Registration Fee
As with Associate Renewal Fees, a New Associate Registration fee has been updated to AUD, SGD, NZD $69.00 per year. This fee will continue to include Success Tracker Premium FREE for the first 12 months (after the initial 12 months the Associate will then need to pay for Success Tracker Premium or default to Basic Success Tracker) and the Penny App.
Product Update- 13th January 2023
Gi-Pro Update
Despite everyone on the team, both here and in the US best efforts to minimise the out-of-stock situation, unfortunately we have concluded that this is not a quick resolution.
It is likely that this product will not be available until mid-year when we plan to re-launch it as an improved formula with TGA approval (which this product hasn’t had up until now). This will also give us the opportunity to do a re-launch with stronger messaging on its benefits.
We understand the frustration that this has created so we will continue to monitor the situation and further updates will be provided when known.
Product Update- 14th November 2022
GI-ProBalance Update
As you are aware, GI-ProBalance has been out of stock and on backorder since September.
We wish to advise that the current formula will be discontinued and the great news is, this product is currently being revised so that a new and improved superior product can be brought to you as soon as possible next year.
If you have this product in your Monthly Subscription (automatic order), please be sure to remove it by 31st December.
As we have further updates, we will share this as soon as it is possible.