TruHealth™ Fat-Loss System Trial
Nominate yourself or one of your customers/Associates to be part of a special pre-launch trial for our new TruHealth™ Fat-Loss System.
It’s important from the outset to stress we have made the rules much stricter than the trial we did with TruPLENISH™ Nutritional Supplement Shake earlier this year. This is to ensure we (and you) get the best results possible.
The TruHealth™ Trial will run from Friday September 30th, 2016 – Friday December 23rd, 2016.
The purpose of the trial is to generate truly effective marketing material to enable every Mannatech Associate to maximise sales of the TruHealth™ System. For that material to be effective we need compelling ‘before and after’ photos.
This is key to the trial’s success.
And to get compelling photos we need participants in the trial who are committed to achieving effective results.
On this basis we have set minimum requirements for trial participation and we will measure progress every two (2) weeks, and set strict accountability guidelines. If participants are unable to meet the fortnightly requirement checks they may be excused from the trial and we will invite the next person on the reserve list to participate.
Although scale weight is not necessarily a key factor in our system we will use this as part of our progress guidelines.
So to be eligible for the trial, participants must be targeting a minimum reduction of 10 kilograms, and will be required to meet weekly reduction minimums. This is based on someone weighing 90-100 kilograms.
If your weight is greater than 100 kilograms there will be a different loss criteria on a sliding scale. You will also be required to send fortnightly updates and high resolution photos to maintain eligibility.
We are being very specific about these requirements to ensure there are no false expectations from the get-go.
We will provide the full TruHealth™ Fat-Loss System which includes the TruPLENISH™ Nutritional Supplement Shake, TruSHAPE® capsules and TruPURE® Slimsticks, at no cost to all participants.
Product will be sent in stages and on the condition that the guidelines are strictly adhered to. Provision of product is conditional based on the weight loss criteria and also that we receive photos and information on time and in the manner stipulated.
We will also provide guidelines on the low-glycemic diet and physical activity for the trial period, and also invite participants to join a closed Facebook group to share encouragement and progress.
Participants who achieve compelling ‘before and after’ results will receive an additional three (3) months supply of the TruHealth™ Fat-Loss System at no cost. (To be judged by our management team).
OK, if you’re up for the challenge, or would like to nominate a friend or Associate, then please:
- Complete ALL details in the TruHealth™ Trial Questionnaire below.
- Send your completed TruHealth™ Trial Questionnaire to truhealthtrial2@mannatech.com.au by 5pm, Thursday September 22nd, 2016.
(All information will be kept confidential)
We will then be in contact to advise if your application has been successful.
We look forward to hearing from you!
All the best,
Geoff Mulham, and the Mannatech TruHealth Trial Team
Note: If you participated in the first trial you still may apply to enter this trial.
TruHealth™ Trial Questionnaire
Complete ALL details in the TruHealth™ Trial Questionnaire below to qualify towards the next stage.
Full Name:
Email Address:
Mobile Number:
Shipping Address (to receive the product):
Please tell us why you want to take the challenge?
How do you want to look and feel at the end of the challenge?
What is your current weight and clothing size now?
• Scale Weight (kg):
• Pant Size:
• T-Shirt Size:
What are your current measurements in centimetres (cm)?
• Upper Right Arm:
• Chest:
• Hips:
• Waist:
• Right Thigh:
What is your targeted weight and clothing size at the end of the challenge?
• Scale Weight (kg):
• Pant Size:
• T-Shirt Size:
How committed are you to succeeding with your challenge goals?
Any other comments, questions, or suggestions you’d like to give us?
I confirm I have read through the trial guidelines and I am prepared to adhere 100% throughout the program. ~ I Agree
I understand that I may be excluded at any point in the trial should I not meet the ongoing requirements. ~ I Agree
I consent to the use of my photos and information on Mannatech marketing material. ~ I Agree