Business: Start a Business, Grow a Community
Marilyn Hawken, a Singapore Associate and member of Moovers & Groovers shares her experience of pursuing the idea to do a market stall in Singapore with her team. Here’s what she had to say:
After hearing numerous talks from our Singapore leaders and overseas speakers I decided that it was time to build my Mannatech business!
With the help of my team member Stephanie, we decided to participate in a family bazaar and set up a stall to introduce Mannatech products to families, but due to the severe haze conditions that prevailed in Singapore we decided to promote EMPACT Citrus Energy Drink™ Mix as the main draw with MannaBears® supplement to the children that attended with their parents.
We were strongly supported by our leaders, Emily, Eugenia and Jennifer who turned up to lend a hand. Our Presidentials, Marie and Philip Loong visited along with Christine to cheer us on. We really appreciated their presence!
The crowd at the event was good and consisted mainly young families and sport enthusiasts. We received many enquires.
It was a great day for us and we hope from this that we will be able to introduce Mannatech to many Singapore families.
Congratulations to Marilyn and her team. Their efforts paid off with great results, setting a great example for everyone!
Success Has Nothing To Do With You!
Tips for Achieving Incentive Goals
Mannatech’s current New York incentive is well underway and all associates have their sights set on reaching the Big Apple. While the road to success isn’t easy, there are a few surprisingly simple tips that can help smooth out the journey. Believe it or not, success and greatness have nothing to do with you.
“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” – Bob Marley“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” – Bob Marley“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” – Bob Marley”The greatness of a man is not how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”
– Bob Marley
The fantastic point that our friend Bob makes, is that achieving greatness personally has more to do with inspiring those around us to do what we do. One person aiming for success is not as productive as 10 people working together for the same goal. Inspire and focus your team to succeed, create similar goals and you have a much greater chance of reaching your target – this is best in practice when there is an incentive to work towards – no one likes to travel alone!
So how do you utilise the power at your disposal in your circle of influence? Here are 5 simple actions that will help you synergise your goals and aspirations as a team:
1)Schedule regular meetings
Meeting with your team allows you to brainstorm on a regular basis and puts the spotlight on your leadership goals, ensuring they are in line with the team’s goals. It also allows you to better control deadlines whether you meet on a weekly or a monthly basis. The more you catch up, the more synergised you are!
2)Encourage your down lines to reach new leadership levels
Bob Marley’s suggestion is so relevant to your team’s success. Encourage those around you to achieve their greatest potential so you can be boosted to reach yours. Help them, to help you.
3)Grow your team
If you have a team of 10 all reaching for greatness, great! But imagine if they all had a team of 10 as well…now you’re filling seats on a plane! While working to increase your team and selling Mannatech’s products(and your chance of success), encourage your down line team to do the same so they can develop a team and sell products of their own. More is more!
4)Use Social Media
The more people you inspire with your goals, the sooner and more easily you will reach them. Shout it from the digital rooftop that YOU WILL ACHIEVE your targets! This will draw positive focus to your cause, potentially gaining you new team members and exposure to Mannatech’s products, whilst reminding your current team why they are working and for what result. Get posting!
5)Keep it fun!
Plans and strategies can get so dry on repeat so try to make regular meetings fun and engaging. Make your fortnightly team meeting themed around the incentive, or set small creative tasks to help your team solidify their goals and make them more tangible than just words.
With these 5 tips in the forefront of your mind, get out there and gather your team! You are ALL going to New York City in 2016!
“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”
– B